Best of the Best 2019
Best of the Best Five Year Club

Laser Tattoo Removal

We’ve provided laser tattoo removal since 2001. We continue to offer the best lasers, best providers, and competitive pricing.

The Laser Tattoo Removal Advantage

Laser tattoo removal is the gold standard when it comes to removing tattoos.  Our Astanza Trinity is the most powerful wavelength laser on the market, and it’s the best solution for full-spectrum (all color) tattoo removal.  We always provide anesthesia to manage discomfort during your laser session, whether prescription topical creams or injectable anesthetic.

Here’s What Laser Tattoo Removal Can Do For You:

  • Remove professional tattoos in 6-12 visits
  • Enjoy ink-free skin
  • End the need to hide unwanted ink with bandages, cover-up makeup or cumbersome clothing in hot weather
  • Eliminate awkward moments associated with tattoo-related questions


R20 tattoo removal uses two passes of laser light to break up the ink in your tattoo, rather than the older ‘one pass’ method. There is no additional downtime or adverse side effects with R20 tattoo removal. Recent studies have shown that two passes, separated by at least 20 minutes, remove significantly more ink than one pass. More than two passes does not seem to have an additional benefit.

Our Advantages:

  • State-of-the-art Astanza Trinity laser tattoo removal system
  • Anesthesia provided for your comfort at every visit
  • Faster removal options with the R20 double-pass technique
  • Package pricing available
  • Full spectrum lasers for all colors, featuring our Astanza Eternity Ruby Laser for bright greens and sky blues

The CSSC Advantage

Our Laser Tattoo Removal Providers Are Experts

Jessie Mallalieu, our Physician Assistant, offers technical experience surpassing any competitor. Tattoo removal is very personal, and no two cases are the same. Removal requires customized treatments by experts like Jessie, who understands various skin types and laser wavelengths.

We Match Your Goals To Your Budget

We’re happy to provide estimates over the phone.  Pricing is dependent on the size of your tattoo and there may be special incentives if you decide to remove multiple tattoos during treatment.  Please call us to schedule a consultation to discuss this further: (301) 698-2424.

We Specialize In Laser & Cosmetic Dermatology

Since we opened our doors in 2001, we’ve specialized in treatments geared toward keeping your skin healthy.  We use the best lasers, have the most experienced providers and the happiest patients in Maryland and Virginia.  Get a healthier, more flawless you and minimize the need for temporary tattoo solutions elsewhere.

Get the best laser tattoo removal results with the professionals at The Cosmetic & Skin Surgery Center.  Call today to schedule your consultation:  (301) 698-2424. 

Request More Information

Invest in your skin.

Reap the rewards.

Before Treatment*

After 6 R20 Treaments & 2 Single-Pass Treatments*

Before Treatment*

After 2 Single Pass Astanza Treatments*

Before Treatment*

After 6 R20 Treatments*

Before Treatment*

After 15 Single-Pass Treatments*


If you have a tattoo that you don’t love anymore, choose us to remove it with our Astanza Trinity lasers. Or if you prefer to cover your tattoo with new ink, we can use our lasers to lighten the old tattoo first.

The laser emits an intense beam of light which is absorbed by the tattoo ink. The laser energy breaks the ink particles into small fragments. After treatment is when your body does the hard work. Scavenger cells activate to collect the ink particles and absorb them.

The physician assistant or nurse practitioner pulses the entire tattoo using the Astanza Trinity laser handpiece. The time to treat a tattoo depends on the size of the tattoo and the number of colors. A small (one-inch) single-color tattoo takes less than five minutes. A large, multi-colored tattoo takes up to 30 minutes. If you choose R20 tattoo removal, you’ll be here for 30-45 minutes.

We’ll give you an estimate for the length of your treatments at your initial consultation.

You will experience discomfort with each pulse similar to the discomfort you felt when you received the tattoo. We’ll give you a prescription for a numbing cream at your initial consultation which will make your visit easier.

You should apply the cream in a thick layer and cover the entire area with plastic wrap two hours prior to the procedure. We’ll remove the cream once you arrive for your appointment, and our provider will inject the area with Lidocaine so that you’re even more comfortable.

After a single treatment, your tattoo will whiten immediately. In a few minutes, the white color from the laser dissipates and the tattoo will be swollen, red, and sometimes crusty (like a fresh tattoo). Your tattoo will be back to normal in a few days or a week.

Several treatments are necessary before the colors start to fade. As your tattoo fades with additional treatments, its colors may become uneven or spotty.

We prefer to wait four to six weeks between the visits to allow your body to absorb the fragmented tattoo particles. Waiting longer than six weeks between tattoo removal treatments will not impact overall success.

It is not possible to accurately predict the total number of treatments needed. On average, amateur tattoos take 6 to 8 treatments. Professional tattoos can require 6 to 12 treatments. Tattoos over tattoos can require more than 12 treatments. R20 tattoo removal reduces the total number of visits required to remove the tattoo.

Patients who pre-pay for 5 tattoo removal sessions will get the 6th treatment for free. Treatment fees typically range from $200 to $500, depending on the size of your tattoo.  Larger tattoos (such as sleeves) may cost more than $500 per treatment.

Depending on the natural pigment of your skin, you may notice temporary darkening or lightening of the skin that’s been treated. Permanent texture changes such as firmness or lumpiness are possible. Certain colors (historically, those used in cosmetic tattoos) can turn black when treated. This black discoloration might not respond to further laser treatments.

Some tattoos do not fully respond to laser treatment and residual spotty pigment is possible. Rarely, a tattoo will not respond at all. It is not possible to identify which tattoos will not completely respond or the rare tattoo that will not respond at all. We will discontinue treatments if no response is visible by the fourth session.

There are reports of allergic skin reactions forming in the tattoo or on the entire body after laser treatment. As with any medical or surgical intervention, unforeseen consequences are possible.

Keeping your skin as pale as possible in the tattoo area will minimize the risk of pigment problems. Use sunscreens if the tattoo is exposed daily or keep it covered with clothes or bandages. To ensure the laser will work well at each visit, do not pick or tear at the scabs that form after your laser treatment.

Call our office to schedule a consultation with our Astanza Trinity tattoo removal provider, Jessie. She will take excellent care of you and answer any questions you may have: (301) 698-2424.

*Medicine is not an exact science and individual results may vary.